IDEA Workshop on the replacement of animal testing in QRA for skin sensitization

16 May

The International Dialogue for the Evaluation of Allergens (IDEA) held a Workshop on 16-17 May looking at the replacement of animal testing in quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for skin sensitisation.

The Workshop sought brought together different parties who have shown potentially promising methodologies for quantitative assessment of potency. Companies and stakeholders shared case studies explaining the application and current status of the approaches using only non-animal derived data for the determination of a non-expected sensitization induction level (NESIL) to be used in quantitative risk assessment (QRA). A facilitated open discussion allowed exchanges on the shared approaches and how to make further progress in this area.

IDEA is committed to the integration of non-animal data to replace the LLNA for risk assessment. This is a goal shared by various stakeholders such as the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC), which is interested in liaising with the IDEA project. The Workshop built on the OECD-defined approaches, with a focus on the use of these for deriving potency information.

The Workshop should lead towards a weight-of-evidence-based integrated approach. The proceedings could help the ongoing OECD project on the development of test guidelines in which the JRC is co-leading together with US and Canada.

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