IDEA organized a workshop reporting on the progress of developing an IDEA strategy to derive a starting point (NESIL) based on NAMs for use in the Quantitative risk Assessment, with the outcomes reported below.
IDEA organized a workshop reporting on the progress of developing an IDEA strategy to derive a starting point (NESIL) based on NAMs for use in the Quantitative risk Assessment, with the outcomes reported below.
In its effort on working towards a Quantitative Risk Assessment framework for skin sensitizers without animal data, IDEA organized a workshop on the status of the work done to date. This workshop welcomed a range of participants, including developers of NAMs, as well as representatives from industry, the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM), the Joint Research Centre JRC )and the German BfR (Bundesinstitiut für Risikobewertung) as well as observers from DG Grow and the SCCS. It built on previous outcomes and agreed actions from the WSs held before.
All documents from this meeting are available below: