Workshops and Annual Review

IDEA holds two- to three-day workshops focusing on specific Tasks of the Work Plan, as well as Annual Reviews to monitor progress and get input from all stakeholders.


IDEA holds a series of two- to three-day workshops, each focusing on a specific Task of the Work Plan. The order in which the Tasks are addressed is defined by the IDEA Supervisory Group, taking into account feedback received at Annual Reviews.

Workshop participants are identified by the IDEA Management Team and the Supervisory Group.

> See more about the IDEA Supervisory Group and the partnership behind IDEA

Scientific expertise is the sole criterion for being invited to an IDEA workshop. Expertise ranges from the general (including specialists in dermatology, toxicology, chemistry, alternatives to animal testing or epidemiology) to the specific (for example, specialists in hydroperoxides or aggregate exposure).

IDEA tries, as much as possible, to keep a good balance between academia and industry experts and to ensure the presence of observers such as representatives of the European Commission and the EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS).

Although IDEA is an initiative that originated in Europe, the topic of fragrance allergens is one of global interest, and so experts are invited from around the world.

Inside an IDEA workshop

A typical workshop starts with one day of formal lectures to set the scene of the issue to be addressed and to share background knowledge and positions between all workshop participants. These presentations are given by academics, industry representatives and other experts.

A workshop always includes moderated discussions during which the workshop Rapporteur presents their conclusions and the Moderator helps the participants to develop a consensus and common understanding, leading into the Key Conclusions.

Annual Review

In addition to regular workshops, Annual Reviews are organized by the European Commission to monitor progress, get input from all stakeholders and update the program and priorities where needed.

Rapporteurs of the workshops held during the year present their Progress Reports at the Annual Review, and the event is the principal platform for stakeholders from Europe and around the world to participate, express their views and ask questions.